Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stupid dogs

... Not really; I'm just ticked at the smaller one right now. 

Going up the stairs last night, minding my own business... here comes chance, flying up and skirted between my legs while I was in the middle of a step. So I tripped and reached down to stop my fall, but unfortunatly, my foot and toe(s) slamming against the underside of the next step was what slowed my fall.. and I heared that nice, resounding *crack*.. like inside your head when you break a bone. 

I've broke a couple of bones, so me and that noise are pretty familiar with each other =(

get up to the top of the stairs... after maybe, or maybe not, dropping a couple of choice words about chance .. and start investimigating my left foot.. There was already a lump forming on my Pinky-Toe that _wasnt_ where my joint was... so, I've broke my toe =/  I've broken toes before, but the pinky toe is kind of an enigma, especially those of us with Knot Knees (I stand on the outsides of my feet cause of my knees... its weird).  The pinky toe, you can't really do anything for cause it's so small... I've taped it to the next toe, but really all thats doing is pulling my 4th toe over to my pinky, instead of my pinky over to it... I tried to make a little split for it this morning, but that didn't really work out.. so, just gotta grin and bear it I guess... No running for me.  Because your pinky toe is pretty vital to your balance and step-roll (who'da thunk it), it kinda hurts a little bit... I'm just a little worried about it for motorcycling... My boots hold the feet pretty tight, and It's on my shift foot... but my old man drove a big, heavy harley with a busted Achiles... so surely I can ride with a broke pinky toe! Can't let the old man think he's tougher than me ;) 


cindy glawson said...

Hey, he is a tough old man! Hard to keep up with him.:-) I read him this post and he laughed! We love it but hate about your toe. That Chance loves to bring down Glawson Men!

Pat said...

LOL...sorry to tell you that the old man will ALWAYS be tougher than you....until you qualify to be called "old man"...that's just the way it is...

sorry about your toe...